2021 fee-based courses (on-site and online teaching are available) Chinese interactive teaching

2021 fee-based courses (on-site and online teaching are available) Chinese interactive teaching

2021 fee-based courses (on-site and online teaching are available) Chinese interactive teaching

 Enrollment target: non-native Chinese speakers, after paying a three months course, will negotiate the specific class schedule with the teacher (the fixed weekly class day). The location of the class is in the Chinese Language and Literature Department classrooms.

Plan A : 1 on 1 class $7,000

Plan B : 1 on 2 $6,000

Plan C : 1 on 3 $5,000

Plan D : 1 on 4 $4,000

(For programs B, C, and D, please find the trainees by yourself)

Phone: 082-313503  

Email: clc@nqu.edu.tw

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clc.nqu

這張圖片的 alt 屬性值為空,它的檔案名稱為 2021華語互動教學.png